The first prototype of a domestic chemical gas flame detector, which will enable early detection of fires and prompt action, was produced at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Nuclear Radiation Detectors Application and Research Center (NÜRDAM).
To address forest fires that occur particularly in the summer months in Turkey, a project titled "Design and Manufacture of a Fire Detector with Early Warning System" was prepared by NÜRDAM Director Dr. Yalçın Kalkan, along with Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa (İÜC) Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Institute faculty members Assoc. Dr. Arif Kösemen and Assoc. Dr. Sadullah Öztürk.
Within the scope of the project, which received support from TÜBİTAK, the first prototype of the domestic chemical gas flame detector, which detects fires by sensing ultraviolet rays emitted by flames through sensors, was produced.
The detector, capable of detecting a fire from approximately 100 meters away while still in the spark stage with a 360-degree field of view, is planned to be further developed and mass-produced next year by a company in Dicle Teknokent