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Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition- ALD (In Clean Room)

(Plazma Arttırımlı Atomik Düzeyde Katman Kaplama)

      -Reactant: DI-water, Ozone

      -Precursor: Given by consumer



DC/RF Sputtering (In Clean Room)

(DC/RF Saçtırma Sistemi)

   - 4 inch target materials are used                          - Substrate heater up to 150 degree

   -  Up to 8 inch wafer process (unifomity >89% )     - RF power up to 350 Watt  




Electron Beam and Thermal Evaporator (Combine System)  (In Clean Room)

(Birleşik Elektron Demeti ve Termal Buharlaştırma Sistemi)

  - Various oxide and metal deposition                         - Target materials given by consumer

  -  Up to 8 inch wafer process (unifomity >95% )        - Substrate heater up to 230 degree




Thermal Evaporator  (In Clean Room)

(Termal Buharlaştırma Sistemi)

- Metal evaporation only                                             - Target materials given by consumer




 Wet/Dry Oxidation Furnace  (In Clean Room)

(Islak/Kuru Oksidasyon Fırını)

-High Quality SiO2 deposition up to 1100 degree   - 25 pieces wafer capability for 6 inch wafers




 Boron/Phosphorus Thermal Doping Furnace   (In Clean Room)

(Termal Boron/Fosfor Katkılama Fırını) 

- Proces capability up to 1100 degree   - 25 pieces wafer capability for 6 inch wafers




Programmable Annealing Furnace    (In Clean Room)

(Programlanabilir Tavlama Fırını)

- Up to 1100 degree under O2, N2H2, N2 enviroment




Rapid Thermal Annealing-RTA   (In Clean Room)

(Hızlı Tavlama Fırını) 

- Ramp up rate up to 30 degree/second               -8 inch wafers process up to 950 degree

- Temperature unifomity > 95%                          - N2 and O2 inert enviroment




Mask Aligner  (In Clean Room)

(Maske Hizalama Sistemi)

-Up to 8 icnh wafer                                          -Compability for photolitography 

- Aling process capability up to 2 micron channel length and width  



Spic Coater   (In Clean Room)

(Spin Kaplama Cilazı)

-6 inch and 8 inch process capability            - Rotation up to 8000 rpm




 Wet Benches (3 different)   (In Clean Room)

(Islak Tezgahlar 3 adet)

-Semi-auto process capability           -Connected with 18 Mohm DI-water and 6N dry N2




 Four Point Probe Resistivity Measurement   (In Clean Room)

(Dört Nokta Prob Direnç Ölçer)

- Semi-Auto system combined with Keithley units

- Surface uniformity map can be studied



PN Checker   (In Clean Room)

(PN Tip Ölçer)

-Controlling the types of semicondutors (P or N type conductivity)



Spectroscopic Reflectometer   (In Clean Room)

(Spektroskopik Reflektometre)

- Thickness of deposited layer speficication- 10 nm or higher

-Reflection measurements can be performed




 Probe Station with Keithley 4200 SCS 

(Keithley 4200 SCS ile Bütünleşik Prob İstasyonu)

- I-V, C-V, CP measurement           - Current limits to 10 pA for MOSFETs 

-Fast Capacitance Meas.                - Measurements capability from -50 to 150 degree



 Keithley 2636B Sourcemeter  

-Test Fixture connected                           - Dual Channel connection

-Perform Quick I-V characterization         - 100mV to 40V voltage, 100nA to 10A current range



Dicing Saw

(Alttaş Kesme Sistemi)

-Compable for Si wafers                        - Cutting precision 2-3 micrometer




Wire Bonder

(Tel Bağlama Sistemi)

-Al wire are used                                      -Semi-auto process



Solar Simulator

(Solar simülatörü)

-Efficiency specificationf of Cells            - I-V measurements under solar spec (Von, Isc etc.)




Lamination System

(Laminasyon Sistemi)

-Fabrication of Solar Panel                      - Up to 60 pieces of Cell laminations

- Glass to glass or Glass to backsheet panel fabrication



Some Other Tools

 - Oscilloscope (Tektronix )

- Workstation (128 GB RAM, 4x2.5Ghz Xeon processor with Linux)

- Ph/resistivity meters of liquids

- DI-water (18 M-ohm) purification 

- N2 purification system